Live Darshan:- User can see live darshan of Mahakalidham Kapurvav temple. Also, the user can see live darshan of Mahakalidham Kapurvav temple.
Gallery:- At the gallery, the user can view different images of different occasions and different events held at Mahakalidham Kapurvav.
News:- At here users get notifications when any things happen at Mahakalidham Kapurvav and any new events held at this place user get notify.
Feedback:- At here you can give their opinion to the trustee members for any changes.
Trustee Member List:- You can found all trustee members of Mahakali Dham Kapurvav with contact details.
Profile: - Users can see and update their profile.
So many other features that will help you to see Mahakali Dham Kapurvav temple and update from your mobile.